Arabic Calligraphy of Al Masria: "المصرية", The English Translation is: "The Egyptian" Written in Thuluth Calligraphy Script.
كلمة "المصرية" بخط الثلث العربي
Arabic Calligraphy of Al Yahud: "اليهود", The English Translation is: "The Jewish People " Written in Thuluth Calligraphy Script.
كلمة "اليهود" بخط الثلث العربي
Arabic Calligraphy of Al Islamiyyah: "الإسلامية", The English Translation is: "The Islamic" Written in Thuluth Calligraphy Script.
كلمة "الإسلامية" بخط الثلث العربي
Arabic Calligraphy of: "زوجتي الغالية", The English Translation is: "My Dearest Wife" Written in Thuluth Calligraphy Script.
نص عبارة "زوجتي الغالية" بخط الثلث العربي
Arabic Calligraphy of: "زوجي الغالي", The English Translation is: "My Dearest Husband" Written in Thuluth Calligraphy Script.
نص عبارة "زوجي الغالي" بخط الثلث العربي
Arabic Calligraphy of Al Hurriyah: "الحرية", The English Translation is: "The Freedom" Written in Thuluth Calligraphy Script.
كلمة "الحرية" بخط الثلث العربي
Arabic Calligraphy of Al Thawrah: "الثورة", The English Translation is: "The Revolution" Written in Thuluth Calligraphy Script.
كلمة "الثورة" بخط الثلث العربي
Arabic Calligraphy of: "الأمن العام", The English Translation is: "General Security" Written in Thuluth Calligraphy Script.
نص عبارة "الأمن العام" بخط الثلث العربي
Arabic Calligraphy of Ramadan Kareem: "رمضان كريم", The English Translation is: "Blessed Ramadan Month" Written in Thuluth Calligraphy Script in the Shape of Crescent.
نص عبارة "رمضان كريم" بخط الثلث العربي على شكل هلال مع زخرفات وتشكيلات
Arabic Calligraphy of: "تهانينا لكم", The English Translation is: "Our Congratulations To You" Written in Thuluth Calligraphy Script.
نص عبارة "تهانينا لكم" بخط الثلث العربي
Arabic Calligraphy of: "تحية طيبة", The English Translation is: "Kind Greeting" Written in Thuluth Calligraphy Script.
نص عبارة "تحية طيبة" بخط الثلث العربي
Arabic Calligraphy of: "رمضان, The English Translation is: "Ramadan Month" Written in Diwani Calligraphy Script, Ramadan is the ninth month of the Hijri year, during this month the Muslims strict fasting is observed from the sunrise to sunset.
كلمة "رمضان" بخط الديواني العربي بشكل متداخل بين الحروف
Arabic Holiday Greeting Calligraphy of: "كل عام وأنتم بخير", The English Translation is: "Every Year And You Are Fine" Written in Persian Nastaliq Calligraphy Script.
نص عبارة معايدة وتهنئة "كل عام وأنتم بخير" بخط النستعليق العربي
Arabic Calligraphy of the Islamic Hadith: "صوموا لرؤيته", The English Translation is: "Observe Fast On Sighting the New Moon" Written in Thuluth Calligraphy Script.
نص من الحديث الشريف "صوموا لرؤيته" بخط الثلث العربي
Arabic Calligraphy of Rasul Allah: "رسول الله", The English Translation is: "Prophet / Messenger Of Allah" Written in Thuluth Calligraphy Script, The Rasul meaning is the messenger, an individual who was given the message by Allah (God).
نص عبارة "رسول الله" بخط الثلث العربي
Arabic and Islamic Dua Calligraphy of :"اللهم بلغنا رمضان", The English Translation is: "Allah Let Us Live To Witness The Holy Month Of Ramadan" Written in Thuluth Calligraphy Script.
دعاء "اللهم بلغنا رمضان" بخط الثلث العربي