Yerushalayim In Arabic Diwani Calligraphy

Yerushalayim In Arabic Diwani Calligraphy

Vector File Package ID#: 3215
Calligraphy Category: Words And Text
File DescriptionFile SizePriceBuy
Premium / Calligraphy Files Package1.43 Mb.$30.00


 1- Vector PDF File - High Quality Vector Illustration PDF File - Scale to any size.
 2- JPG File - High Resolution & Large Image / Size: (5000 x 5000 pixels).
 3- PNG File - High Resolution Image On Transparent Background / Size: (5000 x 5000 pixels).
 4- Commercial License - After purchase, the calligraphy can be used for commercial or personal purposes.

Information and description about this calligraphy:

Arabic Calligraphy of the Word Yerushalayim: "اورشليم", Written in Arabic Diwani Calligraphy Script, Yerushalayim is one of the Old Names of Jerusalem City, The Sumero Akkadian name for Jerusalem is "uru-salim", and the name is interpreted as a combination of "Yiru - Foundation of" and "Shalem- the name of the god of dusk in the Canaanite religion", The ancient name was founded in the execration texts of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (c. 19th century BCE)

كلمة "أورشليم", بخط الديواني العربي, وهو إسم عربي كنعاني منسوب الى (سالم او شاليم) وهو اله للغروب و الغسق عند الكنعانيين قديما, وكلمة أور سومرية معناها "مدينة أو موضع عبادة" وسماها الأكاديون باسم اور سالم, والإسم هو اسم عربي كنعاني، وليس اسما عبريا كما يتبادر إلى الذهن، فقد تم تداول هذا الاسم في القرن التاسع عشر قبل الميلاد قبل أن يظهر العبريون

Explore additional Arabic calligraphy designs using these keywords:

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The file of (Yerushalayim In Arabic Diwani Calligraphy) is currently available for purchase and licensing. You have the option to instantly download and license this Arabic calligraphy design, available in both high-resolution images and the original vector format file. The Arabic calligraphy design is provided in a high-resolution vector-illustrated PDF format, free from watermarks or the calligrapher's signature, and in an open-scalable size. It is suitable for commercial or personal projects, including artwork, posters, printing, jewelry, carving, laser engraving, and CNC machines. The file is editable and resizable using illustration programs such as Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW, as well as other graphic design software.

© Copyright Notice: Our calligraphy artwork is exclusively owned and copyright protected, this Arabic calligraphy photo and design is NOT FREE to use and may not be used without purchasing a license
كل أعمالنا ومحتوانا بالخط العربي محمية تحت قوانين حقوق النشر والملكية الفكرية, هذا التصميم وهذا العمل بالخط العربي ليس مجانياً ويمنع استخدامه بدون شراء ترخيص الإستعمال المناسب